"I have meditated repeatedly on what it was about Finn that had me so dismantled. Looking back, I see she mirrored me. She listened. I would say something to her and she would paraphrase it back to me. This made me feel understood, which she could see I crav.
"This is what takes place in the soul:– 1. Admiration. 2. A voice within says: What pleasure to kiss, to be kissed. 3. Hope. - Stendhal, On Love, 1822.
"In one of his books, Milan Kundera dismisses the idea of God because, according to him, no God would have designed a life in which shitting was necessary.
"I think that's all art is, a record of interior attention paid.
"We need, in short, to challenge the presumption that the work-dominated, stressed-out, time-scarce and materially encumbered affluence of today is advancing human well-being rather than being detrimental to it."&nbs.
"Is it an obsession? Yes, it is clearly an obsession. But not only that, she thinks. It's a rapture, a metamorphosis, a radical transformation of the predictable.
"What if all this passion is out of proportion to its subject/An average beauty, magnified to deific, demonic/stature by the fury of intellect,/a flat-faced girl with slanted eyes and a narrow/waist and a country lilt to her voice/that she should infect.
"The earth, from here, is like heaven. It flows with colour. A burst of hopeful colour. When we're on the planet we look up and think heaven is elsewhere, but here is what the astronauts and cosmonauts sometimes think: maybe all of us born to it have already.
"In the subject line I write: Urgent Matter. My heart accelerates. I type: Present resolution has not been found acceptable by both parties. I then revise: One of the parties has found the present resolution to be unacceptable. For your immediate action..